Hosting This Site

Hosting This Site #

Given that I’ve never needed to host a static blog, I wanted to document the configuration. Maybe someone will find this useful in the future.


The plan is to host the site in AWS as an S3 static site. The implementation should not be difficult but there are a number of steps involved so let’s document those. In the end, the architecture will look like the following:

Fig 1: Static Deployment

Fig 1: Static Deployment 🤦

Setup A Domain #

I’ll need a domain name for this beautiful site so let’s see what’s available using R53 as the registrar. Eventually, I settled on, which is a good shout for $21 a year.

Create Target Bucket #

S3 buckets used as static sites must match their associated domain name e.g. my bucket name will be So I’ll create the new target bucket via the CLI with aws --profile iamadmin-personal-general s3 mb s3:// and then add a bucket policy to allow public access:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Id": "Policy1678060131539",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "allow-read-bucket",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": "*",
            "Action": "s3:GetObject",
            "Resource": "*"

Next, enable the bucket as a static host by clicking on the bucket, going to Properties > Static Website Hosting > Edit > Enable. Note the bucket website endpoint e.g.

Serve HTTPS Content Via Cloudfront #

S3 serves static sites via HTTP only and requires Cloudfront and an associated S3 origin in order to serve content over HTTPS. Navigate to Cloudfront and create a new distribution. Be sure to set the Alternate domain name (CNAME) - optional field to your registered domain e.g. I enabled logging to an S3 bucket and followed this guide for creating a new logging bucket. Importantly, the bucket needs to be ACL enabled in order to allow Cloudfront logging. I also created a Custom SSL certificate using Certificate Manager.

Point DNS To Cloudfront #

The last step on the AWS side is to create a DNS record pointing at your Cloudflare distribution. From Route 53 > Hosted zones > your_hosted_zone, create an A alias record routing traffic to an Alias to CloudFront distribution. Copy the distribution domain from Cloudfront e.g. and paste into the Choose Distribution box. Since I didn’t need failover in this case, I chose simple routing.

Configure Hugo #

Now that I have a domain and a target bucket, I need Hugo to push directly to our S3 bucket. See the full documentation from Hugo’s docs. Most importantly, I’ve added the following configuration section to the config.toml:


  name = ""
  URL = "s3://"

Caching and TTLs #

When initially deploying or if deploying often, you may want to decrease the cache TTL especially for html files which have a higher likelihood of changing than css, etc. AWS recommends setting caching headers in the bucket directly. In my config.toml, I configured the following conditions:

  # cache static formatting and scripts for 10 days
  pattern = "^.+\\.(js|css|svg|ttf)$"
  cacheControl = "max-age=864000"

  # cache pages for 10 minutes (likely increase when stable)
  pattern = "^.+\\.(html|xml|json)$"
  cacheControl = "max-age=600"

  # cache images for 1 year. Changing images have hashed versions
  # so a long TTL is reasonable
  pattern = "^.+\\.(webp|jpg)$"
  cacheControl = "max-age=31536000"

Deploy #

First build the site:

❯ hugo --theme hugo-book --cleanDestinationDir
Start building sites …
hugo v0.110.0+extended darwin/amd64 BuildDate=unknown

                   | EN
  Pages            | 11
  Paginator pages  |  0
  Non-page files   |  0
  Static files     | 79
  Processed images |  9
  Aliases          |  2
  Sitemaps         |  1
  Cleaned          |  0

Total in 94 ms

Then publish to the S3 bucket:

 hugo deploy -v
Deploying to target "" (s3://
INFO 2023/03/05 18:05:28 Found 108 local files.
INFO 2023/03/05 18:05:28 Found 0 remote files.
Identified 108 file(s) to upload, totaling 3.5 MB, and 0 file(s) to delete.

Assuming everything transfers as expected, you should be all set to load HTTPS content.

03-18-2023 | # 0e26a34